The Astrological Significance of the Lion's Gate

The Lion's Gate has various interpretations and its duration can vary. As an astrological cycle, its dates may shift over time. For me, the Lion's Gate begins on July 28th, marking the start of the Mayan solar calendar and the beginning of a new solar year.
This period coincides with the Sun being in Leo, a zodiac sign ruled by the Sun, making this a favorable transit.
Additionally, this time of year is notable for the heliacal rising of Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, which the ancient Egyptians regarded as the start of their new year. Some consider Sirius to be our "Spiritual Sun."
There is also a belief that the Lion's Gate Portal aligns with the three pyramids of Giza and the constellation of Orion. However, this idea is controversial and remains unconfirmed.
The Numerological Significance of the Lion's Gate Portal
The energy reaches its peak on the 8th of August (8/8), when the portal is said to be fully open. This date holds significance in numerology and angel numbers, as 8/8 is considered an auspicious sequence associated with prosperity.
Following the 8th of August, the energy begins to wane quickly, with most people believing that the portal closes around the 12th of August.
The Power of the Lion's Gate Portal
During the Lion’s Gate alignment (28th July – 8th August), we enter a period of heightened cosmic energy. This alignment is seen as a portal of spiritual energy that peaks on 8/8.
This period often has a greater impact on those who are already on a spiritual journey. Here are a few ways the Lion’s Gate Portal may influence you and your life:
- It helps you release the past
- It fosters new projects and fresh beginnings.
- Noticing signs and synchronicities
- Experiencing unusual or meaningful dreams
- Much needed Heart healing that is necessary can take place.
- Going through changes or transitions in life during this intense time.
- Recalling individuals you may need to forgive.
How Will It Impact Me?
Reflecting on the previous year during this period can offer insights into its influence. Maintaining a journal can be enlightening when reviewing past occurrences. Additionally, tracking your dreams may reveal how it influences your dream state. It's crucial to keep in mind that the Lions Gate Portal will impact individuals differently, depending on their life stages. During this time, the spiritual realm may be reaching out to you, providing valuable guidance for making significant or necessary life changes. Heightened awareness can facilitate this process, ensuring you remain open and receptive to the signs. To make the most of the potent Lions Gate Portal energy, consider these suggestions:- Set Intentions: Clarify your goals and aspirations during this time, and set clear intentions for what you wish to manifest.
- Meditate: Dedicate time for quiet reflection and meditation to connect with the heightened energy and gain insights from within.
- Practice Self-Care: Prioritise self-care activities such as exercise, healthy eating, adequate rest, and relaxation to support your well-being during this energetically charged period.
- Work with Crystals: Utilise crystals that resonate with Lions Gate energy, such as citrine, sunstone, and clear quartz, to amplify your intentions and spiritual connection.
- Engage in Spiritual Practices: Explore spiritual practices like yoga, chanting, or energy healing to align your mind, body, and spirit with the transformative energy of the portal.
- Stay Open and Receptive: Remain open to receiving insights, guidance, and synchronicities from the universe, and trust your intuition to guide you on your path.
- Journaling: Keep a journal to record your thoughts, feelings, dreams, and any significant experiences or synchronicities you encounter during this time.
- Release and Let Go: Release any limiting beliefs, past traumas, or negative patterns that no longer serve you, allowing space for new opportunities and growth to enter your life.
- Connect with Nature: Spend time in nature, whether it's through walks in the park, gardening, or simply sitting outdoors, to ground yourself and attune to the natural rhythms of the universe.
- Express Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for the blessings in your life, and express appreciation for the transformative energies of the Lions Gate Portal.
- Citrine - Known as the "Merchant's Stone," Citrine is associated with abundance, manifestation, and creativity. It can help amplify your intentions and attract prosperity and success.
- Sunstone - As its name suggests, sunstone embodies the energy of the sun, promoting vitality, joy, and personal power. It can uplift your spirits and infuse you with confidence and optimism during the Lions Gate Portal.
- Crystal Quartz - Often referred to as the "Master Healer," clear quartz is a versatile crystal that enhances clarity, amplifies intentions, and facilitates spiritual growth. It can help you connect with higher realms and amplify the energy of other crystals.
- Selenite - With its purifying and high-vibrational properties, selenite is excellent for cleansing your energy field and creating a clear channel for spiritual guidance. It can enhance intuition and facilitate communication with angels and spirit guides.
- Labradorite - Labradorite is a stone of transformation and spiritual awakening, making it ideal for working with during the Lions Gate Portal. It can help you navigate through changes, enhance psychic abilities, and unlock your inner potential.
- Lapis Lazuli - Lapis lazuli is associated with wisdom, truth, and spiritual insight. It can stimulate the third eye chakra, enhance intuition, and deepen your connection to spiritual realms, making it a valuable ally during this energetically charged time.
- Amethyst - As a stone of spiritual protection and purification, amethyst can help you access higher states of consciousness, release negative energy, and facilitate spiritual growth and transformation.
- Rose Quartz - Known as the "Stone of Unconditional Love," rose quartz emanates gentle, nurturing energy that promotes self-love, compassion, and emotional healing. It can support you in opening your heart to receive and give love during the Lions Gate Portal.
- Lionsgate Portal Quartz - this is a newly found crystal which includes Golden Healer, Pyrite, Hematite and Quartz with its amplifying and healing energies, aligns perfectly with the Lions Gate Portal. It facilitates deep healing, spiritual awakening, and alignment with divine purpose. Its high vibration supports connection to higher consciousness, joy, and optimism, enhancing the transformative potential of this astrological event.
- Gold Tiger's Eye - provides protection, grounding, and courage during the Lions Gate Portal. It enhances manifestation, intuition, and self-empowerment, helping you navigate the energies with confidence and clarity. Wear or meditate with this crystal to stay balanced and aligned with your highest potential during this transformative time.
- Orange Kyanite: aids in aligning the sacral chakra, enhancing creativity, passion, and self-expression during the Lions Gate Portal. It facilitates emotional healing, releases blockages, and promotes flow, empowering you to embrace transformation and manifest your desires with vitality and enthusiasm. Incorporate it into your practice for heightened energetic alignment and inspiration.
Harnessing Crystal Grids During the Lion’s Gate
During the Lions Gate period, we have a splendid chance to integrate Crystal Grids, be it for commencing new journeys, seeking spiritual direction, discovering inspiration, aligning with fresh objectives, or manifesting abundance.Crystal Grid for the Lions Gate Portal
I've requested Bob to create a new grid board for this fresh layout, aiming to integrate Metatron's Cube with the Flower of Life this Grid is unique to GeoFossils and we are calling it the Lions Gate Portal Grid.Crystals Needed to Create this Grid
1 Lionsgate Portal Tower or Tumble Stone.
3 Orange Kyanite Blades
3 Lemurian Seed Crystal quartz Points
3 Sunstone Tumble Stones
3 Amethyst Tumble Stone
3 Lapis Lazuli Tumble Stone
3 Nephrite Jade Tumble Stone
3 Ancestralite Tumble stone
3 Tigers Eye Tumble Stone
Click Here for How to De-programme Your Crystals
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Grid laid, my adaptation at least, and intention set – such a useful post, all the research distilled and ready for me – than you!
Love this.. Lovely practical and easy ways for making the most out of this time period
Thank you for this 🙏🏽 As always, your insights and information are both helpful and enlightening ✨🦁✨ blessings and love 💖
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