GeoFossils Blog

Ancient Symbols
Balance in Geometry
Chakra Healing with Geometry
Cube in Sacred Geometry
Dodecahedron Metaphysical Uses
Element of Fire
Esoteric Symbols
Fire Element Symbol
Geometric Art
Geometric Patterns
Icosahedron Spiritual Significance
Mathematical Art
Metatron's Cube
Mystical Geometry
Platonic Solids
Sacred Geometry
Sacred Shapes
Spiritual Symbolism
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- 10 June 2021
- 8th August
- Abundance
- Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Ancient Symbols
- Andalusite
- Annular Solar Eclipse
- anxiety
- Ascension
- Balance in Geometry
- Blades of Light
- Brandenburg
- Cacoxernite
- Chakra
- Chakra Healing with Geometry
- Change
- Chevron Amethyst
- Chiastolite
- Chinese Zodiac
- Citrine
- Cleansing
- Corona Quartz
- Cosmic Calendar
- Cosmic Events
- Cosmic Halo
- Creativity
- Crown Chakra
- Crown Quartz
- Crystal Energy
- Crystal Infused Water
- Crystals
- Crystals for challenging times
- Cube in Sacred Geometry
- Detox Water
- DIY Shungite Water
- Dodecahedron
- Dodecahedron Metaphysical Uses
- Dogtooth Amethyst
- Element of Fire
- emotions
- Energy Cleansing
- Esoteric Symbols
- February Full Moon
- Fire Element Symbol
- Flower of Life
- Full Moon
- Full Moon Rituals
- Geometric Art
- Geometric Patterns
- Goethite
- Growth
- Halloysite
- Hexahedron
- Holistic Health
- Hope
- How to
- How to Make Shungite Water
- Icosahedron
- Icosahedron Spiritual Significance
- Kyanite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Leo
- Lions Gate Portal
- Lionsgate Portal
- lunar
- Lunar energy
- Mango Quartz
- Mathematical Art
- Melody's Stone
- Metatron's Cube
- moon
- Mystical Geometry
- Natural Remedies
- negative
- New Tumble Stones
- Octahedron
- Peridot
- Plato
- Platonic Solids
- Purifying
- Pyramids of Giza
- Quartz
- responsibility
- Ring of Fire
- Robert simmons
- Root Chakra
- Sacral Chakra
- Sacred Geometry
- Sacred Shapes
- Shungite
- Shungite Benefits
- Shungite Crystals
- Shungite Healing
- Shungite Water
- Sillimanite
- Snow Moon
- Solar Eclipse 2021
- Solar Plexus
- Spiritual Healing
- Spiritual Symbolism
- stress
- Summer Solstice
- Super Seven
- Super Strawberry Moon
- Third Eye
- Tutorial
- Virgo
- Water Purification
- Water Tiger
- Wellness Tips
- Year of The Black Tiger